
About me

Pic of RichiePhD trying to look professional

I'm a PhD student at the University of Exeter , studying the use of novel technologies to help detect mine-waste.

I have many interests, they include:

  • Learn languages (natural & programming)
  • Gaming, technology & random projects
  • Keeping fit, including BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
  • Spending time with my doggos, family and friends

Latest publication

Picture of first published paper on macroalgae intake of mine waste
  • • Three species of brown macroalgae were used to quantify mine drainage pollution.
  • • These bioindicator species allowed high resolution mapping of pollutant dispersal.
  • • Metals dispersed in the sea within 200m of the outflow source.
  • • The macroalgae bioindicators indicated the change in AMD pollution over 30 years.

Current project: Prep for Philippine field campaign & website development.

Agno river in the Philippines
most recent tweet from Richie/PhD